About the "Mark"- My Brand for Hidetown

This blog was initiated because I needed a "venue" for my extensive tintype collection, which I call the "Russsell Cushman Historical Image Collection." RCHIC. You will see those initials emblazoned on some of the illustrations here... and then I just got tired of that and began to put a little boutenniere on any image which I might want to protect; to "claim" as my original, copyrighted image... since I have spent a lifetime gathering these and although I want to share them, foresee a time when I will want to market them, and establish the baseling that I won the originals, no matter what might be floating arou nd on the world-wide web. That little red flower is not actually a flower, but this:
It is a logo I created which reflects my own family history. As in the year the people who carried my last name came to this land, and their mode of travel. It also has a tiny symbol representing a different bloodline from France who brought and preserved interesting iconography. But when reduced, it looks very much like a carnation, and is placed on the chests of many folks you will see here in this blog. I hope it is not too much of a distraction... but the Internet is nothing if not a vast ocean of piracy. And there is not much compensation to be made blogging... The blog Is FREEEE. Any use of the images within it is not...

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Anatomy of a Doppelganger

Welcome to Hidetown- This time we are looking at a photograph circulating on the Internet, supposedly of Wild Bill Hickok. You can see f...